VRDP Group 5 Wordle

VRDP Group 5 Wordle
Wordle of the blog

Friday, September 7, 2012

Lecture 1: The Importance of a Toolbox

What should be in a manager's toolbox? 
  • Communication skills
  • Ethical Standards and Behaviors
  • Ability to manage change
  • Ability to motivate
  • Analytical/Problem solving skills
  • Vision
These "tools" help the manager deal with the a variety of situations in an ever changing environment.  Open lines of communication keep chaos at bay and ethical standards and behaviors create a positive environment. Preventing outbreaks of chaos can be achieved by having a contingency plan in place to deal with change quickly and effectively.  Amy stated that a person must realize, "that change IS and must be expected." Being prepared for change is vital, and as Kathleen pointed out, "it is important to be flexible." Flexibility is key to dealing with change. A positive, encouraging attitude can motivate others, and it can minimizes minor outbreaks of stress. Looking at a problem, seeing the whole picture, and analyzing the possible outcomes of any action can prevent bigger issues. Seeing the big picture, or having a vision, can provide a manager with a road map to getting things done.  Using these tools can minimize stress, and promote effective management.  Libraries see changes daily, whether it is due to politics, economics, or technology, and knowing how to react is important.  Some of these changes can make staff less motivated, but a manager's job is to find a way to encourage and inspire their staff. I have worked as a librarian for the past eight years, after being at the library for about four years a new director was hired.  When she took the helm the economy was starting to tank, and she did some very good things for the library system as a whole, but she failed to communicate to the staff, and she failed to listen to the staff.  The library wen through a major restructure, which has put us on sound financial ground, but the cuts were made in the branches while jobs were created and hours increased at Headquarters.  I think a lot of the frustration for staff could have been avoided, if the vision for the future had been communicate before the cuts came down.  Some of the positions at Headquarters have been eliminated, because they were not needed.  I think a better analysis of the "big picture" would have helped.  One positive is that our director has communicate better with staff recently, and she did concede that some aspects of the restructure need to be evaluated again. 
(Credit: Ed Batista, 2009)

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